Saturday 1 November 2008

Joke Blog

This is a branch of BFFFB
Please Comment With Jokes. Include your name and website (if you have one) in the comment and also say if you want to enter in the jokes/riddle/short section of the awards.


  1. Purple

    A purple man walked out of his purple house. Walked down the purple road into the purple shop bought a purple sweet with his purple money. Walked back out the shop back down the purple road. Then a purple police car came speeding down the purple road over the purple speed bumps. The purple police car stopped and a purple police man came out of it and walked down the purple road cought the purple man. The purple man and the purple police man walked back to the purple police car so the purple police car when down the purple road over the purple speed bumps. The purple police man and purple man walked into the police station and the purple police man opened the purple cell door and said “indigo”

  2. rated: 1.5 out of 10, coz its not funny

  3. You cant ask people to enter then say that. *****
